Tumor Markers

Tumor Markers

Tumor markers(TM) are substances reflecting presence and growth of tumor, synthesized and secreted by gene expression of tumor cells or abnormally generated (increased) by the body's response to tumors.

Traditionally, these markers include proteins secreted by cancer cells. The increased concentration can be detected in cancer patients' blood, urine, feces, tumor tissue, other tissues and body fluid. Meanwhile, gene expression characteristics and DNA changes(e.g. mutation and other changes) can be also used as tumor markers. Significantly, detection results of tumor markers are not individually diagnosed as cancer. Other diagnostic methods like clinical symptoms and imaging examination are also required to provide important information to cancer diagnosis, disease surveillance and treatment decision.

Types of Tumor Markers


Protein Markers: These markers are proteins generated or released by tumor cells, e.g. CEA, AFP, CA125 etc.


Enzymes and Isoenzymes: The expression level of some enzymes or their isoenzymes in tumor cells may increase, e.g. alkaline phosphatase(ALP) and lactic dehydrogenase(LDH).


Gene Mutation and Amplification: Genetic variation in tumor cells can be also used as markers. e.g. gene mutation for EGFR, KRAS, BRAF etc. Very significant for lung cancer, colorectal cancer and other cancers.


Immune Markers: Involved in components of the immune system, e.g. T cell receptor, expression of PD-L1 etc. These are very important for understanding tumor microenvironment and guiding immunotherapy.
Common Tumor Markers

AFP CEA SCCA TPS PSA NSE AFU LDH-A CA72-4 CA125 CA242 CA15-3 CA27-29 CA50 CA19-9 HE4 Ferritin p2PSA HCG GRP CAM17.1 PIVKA-II GR CEA SCCA CA72-4 CA15-3 CA50 HE4 Ferritin HCG RAS KRAS PIK3CA FGFR p62 AFU Ferritin HCG PDGF PIVKA-II HK2 HGF GLUT1 CEA TPS CA72-4 CA242 CA50 CA27-29 CA19-9 HE4 GRP KRAS FGFR ZEB1 TPS FGFR E-cadherin MMPs ZEB2 TNF-α CTLA-4 PIK3CA PTEN FGFR p62 ATM TPS CA72-4 CA125 HE4 CEA TPS CA72-4 CA27-29 CA15-3 GRP PIK3CA FGFR Beclin 1 ZEB1 E-cadherin BRCA1/2 GLUT1 CTLA-4 LDH Beclin 1 PTEN Twist1 ATM GLUT1 IDH1/2 ctDNA CTCs DNA methylation SCCA TPS BAX LC3B ULK-1 MLKL Slug MMPs TNF-α Telomerase E-cadherin GLUT1 IDH1/2 ctDNA TPS LDH PTEN Twist1 GLUT1 PD-L1 Lamin B1 CEA CA27-29 ZEB2 CEA LDH CA72-4 CA242 GRP KRAS PIK3CA PTEN BAX LC3B ULK-1 Slug TPS PSA LDH p2PSA GRP Beclin 1 ULK-1 GLUT1 SCCA CA72-4 CA125 CA242 PIK3CA MLKL Twist1 HGF GLUT1 CATL-4 CEA CA72-4 CA125 HE4 FGF PDGF Beclin 1 p62 MLKL E-cadherin c-MET BRCA1/2 TNF-α GLUT1 HK2 PD-L1

Significance of Detecting Tumor Markers
Cancer Screening and Surveillance:

For individuals with specific family history of cancer but without obvious symptoms, cancer screening is the important method for prevention and early detection. Detecting tumor marker belongs to the scope but can't be the only diagnosis basis for cancer. Other detection methods like biopsy or imaging examination should be also used.

Assessment of Treatment and Disease Progression:

During cancer treatment, periodic testing level of tumor markers can help medical staffs know the curative effect. The decrease of concentration of tumor markers may be the signal of effective treatment. In contrast, the increased level may indicate the poor curative effect or progressive disease.

Surveillance of Recurrence Risk:

If the specific tumor marker of the treated cancer increases, this may be the warning of cancer recurrence. It's important for taking further medical measures in time.

Cancer Staging:

Tumor markers can also help medical staffs judge different stages of cancer development. This is important for making the personalized treatment strategy.

Prognosis Prediction:

By monitoring the change tendency of tumor markers, some evaluations for patients' prognosis can be conducted. Thus, make better treatment plans and estimate long-term therapeutic effects.

Some Hot-selling Products
Cat.No Product Name Sensitivity Range
EM0183 Mouse TNF-α(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit 2.344pg/ml 3.906-250pg/ml
EH0302 Human TNF-α(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit 9.375pg/ml 15.625-1000pg/ml
ER1393 Rat TNF-α(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit 2.344pg/ml 3.906-250pg/ml
EH0370-HS Human NSE(Neuron-specific Enolase) ELISA Kit 0.188ng/ml 0.313-20ng/ml
EH1396 Human CA50 (CarbohydRate Antigen 50) ELISA Kit 18.75pg/ml 31.25-2000pg/ml (2000pg=3.2U)
ERB0126 Rabbit TNF-α(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit 4.688pg/ml 7.813-500pg/ml
EH2243 Human MAP1LC3B(Microtubule-associated proteins 1A/1B light chain 3B) ELISA Kit 0.094ng/ml 0.156-10ng/ml
EM0183-HS Mouse TNF-α(High sensitive Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha)ELISA Kit 0.938pg/ml 1.563-100pg/ml
EP0159 Porcine TNF-α (Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit 18.75pg/ml 31.25-2000pg/ml
EH9685 Human KRAS(GTPase KRas) ELISA Kit 0.188ng/ml 0.313-20ng/ml
EH0369 Human MMP14(Matrix metalloproteinase-14) ELISA Kit 18.75pg/ml 31.25-2000pg/ml
EGP0049 Guinea pig TNF-α(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit 9.375pg/ml 15.625-1000pg/ml
EH0302-HS Human HS-TNF-α(High sensitive Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit 1.875pg/ml 3.12-200pg/ml
EH3906 Human TPS(Tryptase) ELISA Kit 0.094ng/ml 0.156-10ng/ml
EH0254 Human PDGF-BB(Platelet Derived Growth Factor-BB) ELISA Kit 18.75pg/ml 31.25-2000pg/ml
ESH0025 Sheep TNF-α(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit 9.375pg/ml 15.625-1000pg/ml
ER0947 Rat FE(Ferritin) ELISA Kit 1.875pg/ml 3.125-200pg/ml
EH3531 Human PDGF(Platelet-Derived Growth Factor) ELISA Kit 18.75pg/ml 31.25-2000pg/ml
EMK0079 Monkey TNF-α(Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit 18.75pg/ml 31.25-2000pg/ml
EH0382 Human FE(Ferritin) ELISA Kit 0.094ng/ml 0.156-10ng/ml
QT-EH0302 Human TNF-α (Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) QuickTest ELISA Kit 9.375pg/ml 15.625-1000pg/ml
EM0510 Mouse TPS (Tryptase) ELISA Kit 46.875pg/ml 78.125-5000pg/ml
EH0365 Human HE4(Epididymal Protein 4) ELISA Kit 0.094ng/ml 0.156-10ng/ml
EH0313 Human TNFSF11/RANKL(Tumor necrosis factor ligand superfamily member 11) ELISA Kit 46.875pg/ml 78.125-5000pg/ml
EH0159 Human HGF(Hepatocyte Growth Factor) ELISA Kit 18.75pg/ml 31.2-2000pg/ml
EH0517 Human TNFRSF1A(Tumor necrosis factor receptor superfamily member 1A) ELISA Kit 4.688pg/ml 7.813-500pg/ml
EH0090 Human CEA(Carcinoembryonic Antigen) ELISA Kit 0.094ng/ml 0.156-10ng/ml
EMK0022 Monkey FE(Ferritin) ELISA Kit 4.688ng/ml 7.813-500ng/ml
ECA0020 Canine TNF-α (Tumor Necrosis Factor Alpha) ELISA Kit 9.375pg/ml 15.625-1000pg/ml
EH4191 Human ULK1(Unc-51 Like Kinase 1) ELISA Kit 9.375pg/ml 15.625-1000pg/ml