FineTest® offers a comprehensive of various cell function assay kits, including detection for cell apoptosis, cell cycle, cell proliferation/cytotoxicity/viability etc. We provide a complete detection solution for cell function and help you to conduct cell-related researches.
Cell Assay Product Category
Cell ApoptosisCell apoptosis is different from cell necrosis in cell morphology and physiology. Changes on cell membrane, cytoplasm, nucleus, nucleic acid and apoptosis-associated proteins are obvious. Compared with normal or necrotic cells, characteristics are also distinct. Therefore, according to their differences in morphology, biochemistry and molecular biology, various detection methods can be used to distinguish them.
Cell Proliferation/Cytotoxicity/ViabilityFineTest® can offer various testing methods for cell proliferation, cytotoxicity and viability, including EdU, Calcein AM/PI, CCK-8 assay etc. You can choose the relevant cell assay kit based on the sample type and detection purpose.
Cell CycleDNA can bind to fluorescence dyes(e.g. PI). Analyse the proportion of cells in each phase according to the fluorescence intensity detected by flow cytometer, depending on DNA content in different phases of cell cycle.
Validated Assays and Images
Obvious cell grouping, accurate quantitative analysis for proportion of proliferating cells