Protein gel fast staining solution

Catalogue No.: 
Store at room temperature for one year, away from light.
Product name

Protein gel fast staining solution

Product code



25°C for 1 year in dark bottle

  • This product is a ready-to-use Coomassie brilliant blue protein staining solution for polyacrylamide gel without fixing and decoloring. Staining will finish in less than an hour. Within 5-10 minutes, protein bands are visible, and background is almost colorless.
    The staining solution has comparable sensitivity as the traditional Coomassie Blue staining, and the detection limit can reach 10 ng if stain overnight. It does not contain toxic or irritating ingredients such as methanol or acetic acid and fully compatible with mass spectrometry detection.
  1. After electrophoresis complete, add 150 ml deionized water per gel in cassette,microwave it for 30 s and gentley rinse 5 minutes on a horizontal shaker to remove residual SDS. Repeat this step two more times. (This step is critical, which will greatly affect the sensitivity of staining. )
  2. Add 25 ml of staining solution to each gel, microwave it for 15 s. Incubate for 15 minutes to 1 hour on a horizontal shaker.
  3. The protein bands will gradually appear within 10 minutes and reach 90% staining in an hour.
  4. The decolorization is generally not necessary, but will further reduce the background. Add 100 ml of tap water and gentley rinse for 10 minutes to half an hour.