Solution for ELISA Kits Poor Standard Curve

Solution for ELISA Kits Poor Standard Curve

Solution for ELISA Kits Poor Standard Curve

1.Improper standard solution   

Confirm dilutions are made correctly.

2.Standard improperly reconstituted      

Briefly spin vial before opening; inspect for undissolved material after reconstituting.

3.Standard degraded  

Store and handle standard as recommended.

4.Curve doesn't fit scale    

Try plotting using different scales e.g. log-log, 5parameter logistic curve fit.

5.Pipetting error  

Use calibrated pipettes and properpipetting technique.

6.Standard was incompletely reconstituted or wasinappropriately stored      

Reconstitute standard according to protocol. Store reconstituted standard in appropriate vials.Store reconstituted standard at -70

7.Reagents added to wells with incorrect concentrations   

Check for pipetting errors and correct reagent volume.

8.Incubations done at inapproprite temperature,timing or agitation 

Assay conditions need to be checked.